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Sunday 30 April 2023

how to integrate the #node.js app with #firebase and #mongoDB

MongoDB vs Firebase

Integrating a Node.js app with Firebase and MongoDB involves a few steps:

  1. Create a Firebase project: Go to the Firebase console and create a new project. Once created, you will need to obtain the Firebase configuration details, including the API key, project ID, and messaging sender ID.

  2. Install the Firebase SDK: In your Node.js project, install the Firebase SDK using the following command:

npm install firebase
  1. Initialize Firebase: Initialize Firebase in your Node.js app using the configuration details obtained in step 1.
const firebase = require("firebase"); const firebaseConfig = { apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY", authDomain: "YOUR_AUTH_DOMAIN", projectId: "YOUR_PROJECT_ID", storageBucket: "YOUR_STORAGE_BUCKET", messagingSenderId: "YOUR_SENDER_ID", appId: "YOUR_APP_ID" }; firebase.initializeApp(firebaseConfig);
  1. Create a MongoDB database: Create a MongoDB database to store your app's data. You can use a cloud-based service like MongoDB Atlas or set up your own MongoDB server.

  2. Install the MongoDB driver: Install the MongoDB driver using the following command:

npm install mongodb
  1. Connect to MongoDB: Connect to your MongoDB database using the MongoDB driver.
const MongoClient = require("mongodb").MongoClient; const url = "mongodb://localhost:27017/myproject"; MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, client) { console.log("Connected successfully to server"); const db = client.db("myproject"); client.close(); });
  1. Start using Firebase and MongoDB: You can now start using Firebase and MongoDB in your Node.js app. For example, you can use Firebase to handle authentication and MongoDB to store user data.
const usersCollection = db.collection("users"); firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function(user) { if (user) { // User is signed in. const userData = { uid: user.uid, email: user.email }; usersCollection.insertOne(userData, function(err, res) { if (err) throw err; console.log("User data inserted"); client.close(); }); } else { // User is signed out. } });

This is just a basic example, and there are many other ways to integrate Firebase and MongoDB in your Node.js app.

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