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Sunday 30 April 2023

How can I run a docker inside of a python code?

To implement the Run_docker(A) function in your Python code, you can use the Docker SDK for Python. Here is an example of how you can use the SDK to run a Docker container and get its output:

import docker import os def run_docker(container_name, output_file): # Create a Docker client client = docker.from_env() # Run the Docker container container = client.containers.run(container_name, remove=True) # Get the output file from the container output = container.get_archive('/path/to/output/file')[0][1] with open(output_file, 'wb') as f: f.write(output) # Remove the container container.remove()

In the above code, the run_docker function takes two arguments: the name of the Docker container (in this case, container_name is A) and the path to the output file (in this case, output_file is the path to the file you want to save the output to).

The function creates a Docker client using the Docker SDK for Python, and then runs the Docker container using the client.containers.run method. The remove=True parameter tells Docker to automatically remove the container after it has finished running.

Once the container has finished running, the function uses the container.get_archive method to retrieve the output file from the container. This method returns a tuple containing the output file's contents and some metadata, so the function extracts the contents from the tuple and saves them to the specified output file.

Finally, the function removes the Docker container using the container.remove method.

You can call this function from your read_output method like this:

def read_output(self): run_docker('A', 'output.json') with open('output.json') as f: data = json.load(f)

In this example, run_docker is called with the container name 'A' and the output file path 'output.json'. Once the function completes, the read_output method reads the contents of the output file and loads them into a JSON object using the json.load method.

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