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Saturday 29 April 2023

How to Insert Progress Bar Data Using Python Flask, Bootstrap and PostgreSQL

How to Insert Progress Bar Data Using #Python #Flask, #Bootstrap and #PostgreSQL

Here's a general outline of how you can insert progress bar data using Python Flask, Bootstrap, and PostgreSQL:

1. Create a PostgreSQL database with a table to store the progress bar data. The table should have columns for the progress bar ID, the percentage complete, and any other relevant information.

2. In your Flask application, define a route for the page that will display the progress bar. Within this route, you will need to query the database to retrieve the progress bar data and pass it to the HTML template.

3. Create an HTML template that displays the progress bar using Bootstrap's progress bar component. Within the template, you can use Flask's template language to insert the progress bar data into the appropriate HTML elements.

4. Create a JavaScript function that periodically sends an AJAX request to the Flask route you defined earlier to retrieve the latest progress bar data. This function can then update the progress bar displayed on the page accordingly.

5. When the progress bar is complete, use another Flask route to update the database with the final progress bar data.

Here's some sample code to get you started:

  1. Create a PostgreSQL table to store the progress bar data:
CREATE TABLE progress_bars ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, percentage_complete INTEGER, other_info TEXT );
  1. Define a Flask route to retrieve the progress bar data and render the HTML template:
@app.route('/progress') def progress(): # Retrieve the progress bar data from the database progress_data = db.execute('SELECT percentage_complete FROM progress_bars WHERE id = 1').fetchone() # Render the HTML template with the progress bar data return render_template('progress.html', progress_data=progress_data)
  1. Create an HTML template to display the progress bar:
<div class="progress"> <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" style="width: {{ progress_data }}%;" aria-valuenow="{{ progress_data }}" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100">{{ progress_data }}%</div> </div>
  1. Create a JavaScript function to periodically update the progress bar:
function updateProgressBar() { $.ajax({ url: '/progress', success: function(data) { // Update the progress bar with the latest data $('.progress-bar').width(data + '%').attr('aria-valuenow', data).text(data + '%'); // If the progress bar is complete, stop updating if (data >= 100) { clearInterval(progressInterval); } } }); } // Start updating the progress bar every 5 seconds var progressInterval = setInterval(updateProgressBar, 5000);
  1. Create another Flask route to update the progress bar data when it's complete:
@app.route('/progress/complete') def progress_complete(): # Update the database with the final progress bar data db.execute('UPDATE progress_bars SET percentage_complete = 100 WHERE id = 1') db.commit() # Return a success message return 'Progress bar complete!'

Note that this is just a basic outline, and you may need to modify the code to fit your specific use case. Additionally, you will need to set up your Flask application to connect to your PostgreSQL database, and include the appropriate Bootstrap and jQuery libraries in your HTML template.

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